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فروری 15 سے پہلے خریدی گئی پردیس 59 کی قسط رمضان سے پہلے پوسٹ ہو جائے گی ۔ 15 فروری کے بعد کی خریداری رمضان کے بعد ہی پوسٹ ہو گی۔ ×

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A.B. Bachelor of Arts

AeEng. Aeronautical Engineer

A.M.T. Master of Arts in Teaching

B.A. Bachelor of Arts

B.A.E. Bachelor of Arts in Education, or Bachelor of Art Education, Aeronautical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, or Architectural Engineering

B.Ag. Bachelor of Agriculture

B.A.M. Bachelor of Applied Mathematics

B.Arch. Bachelor of Architecture

B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration

B.C.E. Bachelor of Civil Engineering

B.Ch.E Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

B.C.L. Bachelor of Canon Law

B.D. Bachelor of Divinity

B.E. Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Engineering

B.E.E. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

B.F. Bachelor of Forestry

B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts

B.J. Bachelor of Journalism

B.L.S. Bachelor of Liberal Studies or Bachelor of Library Science

B.Lit. Bachelor of Literature

B.M. Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Music

B.M.S. Bachelor of Marine Science

B.N. Bachelor of Nursing

B.Pharm. Bachelor of Pharmacy

B.R.E. Bachelor of Religious Education

B.S. Bachelor of Science

B.S.Ed. Bachelor of Science in Education

C.E. Civil Engineer

Ch.E. Chemical Engineer

D.A. Doctor of Arts

D.A.S. Doctor of Applied Science

D.B.A. Doctor of Business Administration

D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic

D.D. Doctor of Divinity

D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Science

D.Ed. Doctor of Education

D.L.S. Doctor of Library Science

D.M.D. Doctor of Dental Medicine

D.O. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

D.M.S. Doctor of Medical Science

D.P.A. Doctor of Public Administration

D.P.H. Doctor of Public Health

D.R.E. Doctor of Religious Education

D.S.W. Doctor of Social Welfare or Doctor of Social Work

D.Sc. Doctor of Science

D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Ed.S. Education Specialist

E.E. Electrical Engineer

E.M. Engineer of Mines

E.Met. Engineer of Metallurgy

I.E. Industrial Engineer or Industrial Engineering

J.D. Doctor of Laws

J.S.D. Doctor of Juristic Science

L.H.D. Doctor of Humane Letters

Litt.B. Bachelor of Letters

Litt.M. Master of Letters

LL.B. Bachelor of Laws

LL.D. Doctor of Laws

LL.M. Master of Laws

M.A. Master of Arts

M.Aero.E. Master of Aeronautical Engineering

M.B.A. Master of Business Administration

M.C.E. Master of Christian Education or Master of Civil Engineering

M.C.S. Master of Computer Science

M.D. Doctor of Medicine

M.Div. Master of Divinity

M.E. Master of Engineering

M.Ed. Master of Education

M.Eng. Master of Engineering

M.F.A. Master of Fine Arts

M.H.A. Master of Hospital Administration

M.L.S. Master of Library Science

M.M. Master of Music

M.M.E. Master of Mechanical Engineering or Master of Music Education

M.Mus. Master of Music

M.N. Master of Nursing

M.R.E. Master of Religious Education

M.S. Master of Science

M.S.W. Master of Social Work

M.Th. Master of Theology

Nuc.E. Nuclear Engineer

O.D. Doctor of Optometry

Pharm.D. Doctor of Pharmacy

Ph.B. Bachelor of Philosophy

Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy

S.B. Bachelor of Science

Sc.D. Doctor of Science

S.J.D. Doctor of Juridical Science or Doctor of the Science of Law

S.Sc.D. Doctor of Social Science

S.T.B. Bachelor of Sacred Theology

S.T.D. Doctor of Sacred Theology

S.T.M. Master of Sacred Theology

Th.B. Bachelor of Theology

Th.D. Doctor of Theology

Th.M. Master of Theology

یکم جنوری 2022 سے نئے رولز کو لاگو کر دیا گیا ہے ۔ تمام سائلنٹ ممبرز کو فورم پر کچھ سیکشن کی اجازت نہ ہو گی ۔ فری سیکشن پر مکمل پرمیشن کے لیے آپ کو اپنا اکاؤنٹ اپگریڈ کرنا ہو گا ۔ اپگریڈ کرنے کی فیس صرف 5 ڈالر سالانہ ہے ۔ آپ کو صرف 5 ڈالر کی سالانہ ادائیگی کرنا ہو گی ۔ اور آپ کا اکاؤنٹ ایک سال کے لیے ایکٹو ہو جائے گا۔

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